Dear Self,
Where are you today? Are you tired? Are you you walking through a cloud of brain fog? Are you wishing for an island getaway, free from demands for snacks or your opinion? When was the last time you slept for more than three hours in a row? When was the last time you gave voice to the chatter spinning in your head?
When you consider your answers, I hope you can do the math. There are drains on your output. When you wonder why you aren’t the shimmering bubble of light you see when you look back at your pre-mother-of-two self, remember that the light isn’t gone, it’s redirected. When your fuse seems short, remember that it’s been burning a long time.
Grieving the loss of your old self doesn’t take away from the joy of the life you’re living right now. Grief means you’re looking at pain in the face. Doing it well means you’re better equipped to look joy head on, too. Joy and sadness can hold hands—sometimes they even dance. That’s the reason they’re called “happy tears”.
Be gentle with yourself. You have so much beauty to give—and so much to receive. Don’t forget to open your hands and see what the world has to offer you.
Sitting with you in the half-light—
The most compassionate version of yourself
P.S. You’re a great mom.