Dear Self

Dear Self,

Why are you so afraid of running out of ideas? What do you think will happen if you come to the end of your ideas? Why the scarcity mindset? 

You are full of good ideas. You aren’t a well that might dry up. You’re a river whose source is in the creator. Don’t be afraid of what might not come next.

Ideas go bad. If you hold them, worried that it might be your last, they don’t get better. Apple trees don’t hold onto their apples. They drop, and trust that the harvest will come again in season. Let go of that idea or that dream or whatever that thing is you’ve been holding onto. It’s stopping the flow. Make bad music. Try! Dance. Be ok with one hundred and sixty-five words. You are getting there. Your ship will not sail without you. You are right where you need to be. He is with you. 

Don’t be afraid. What do you have to lose? A reputation? People are too busy protecting their own reputation to worry about yours. Yes, you want to make this life count. But you don’t make it count by counting it, over and over and over. You make it counting by spending it. Don’t bury your talent. Trade it. Invest it. Spend it. Don’t hold back. Try something. Anything! Try writing a dumb letter to yourself because you just need to write something. The universe is infinite—maybe. Or maybe the edges just blend into God himself. Sit with yourself here, quietly, and come back again tomorrow to do it again. 

With love,

The most compassionate version of yourself

P.S. I’m rooting for you.

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