Dear Self,
You think you should be there now but you’re here instead. You think maybe if you hadn’t started over you’d have gotten farther. You think there might be something wrong with you when nothing feels quite right.
Here is a good place for you. Here is where Jesus sits with you, not to explain, but just to be with you. Here is where you begin. You may start over again a thousand times in your life. That’s okay. The point of life is not to get the farthest. The point of life is to live. If the solutions available to you don’t fit, it’s not because you’re wrong. It’s because those solutions are for someone else. You’re the only one like you, remember? It doesn’t have to be hard to find your own way. You don’t have to clear a trail through the jungle. You can wade through the river if it sounds more fun.
His way is light and easy, and his measuring stick isn’t like any you’ve seen before.
With love,
The most compassionate version of yourself