humans and monsters

Greg and Travis McMichael, two white men, killed Ahmaud Arbery, a black man, several months ago. As a nation we’re just now hearing about this. 

I’m not in charge of anything related to this case, except this: my response, my beliefs, my attitude. 

As much as I want to write Greg and Travis McMichael off as terrible, horrible, worthless people, I can’t do that. They’re not monsters. They’re humans, just like me. 

Who, like me, have people who love them, and whom they love. Friends who make them laugh. Favorite foods. Things they’re good at. 

Like my son, they were once sweet, innocent babies. Babies whose giggle was infectious, who lisped and stuttered and learned to walk and to run and climb. 

Humans, not monsters. 

Why is that so important? If I turn them into monsters, I don’t have to worry about me. I don’t have to address the sin in my own heart that could lead to murder. I’m not a monster, so I would never do such a thing. I can’t imagine what could possibly inspire someone to do such a thing. I don’t have to imagine it because I’m a human, not a monster. 

But if I let them be human, I have to acknowledge that I could behave in the same way. I have to see that if I have hate in my heart, left unchecked, it leads to murder. 

Lord Jesus, have mercy on me. Weed out the hate and racism in my heart. Give me a heart like yours.

the wind and the waves

A prayer for your upside-down morning