In your image, I am made to build legos with my son.
In your image, I am made to sit quietly to ponder the words you put on my heart.
In your image, I am made to ache when met with others pain.
In your image, I am made to weep over the afghan mothers who hold their babies, fearful for their futures.
In your image, I am made to feed the child at my breast and rock her to sleep.
In your image, I am made to water the plants growing in my backyard.
In your image, I am made to exclaim with delight over a new bloom on the orchid on my windowsill.
In your image, I am made to rest.
In your image, I am made to laugh.
In your image, I am made to marvel at the wide eyes of my son as he tells me a story.
In your image, I am made to clap with joy at my daughter’s first steps.
In your image, I am made to enjoy receiving kindness from another person.
In your image, I am made to enjoy being myself.