For our children:
May you know above all that you are loved
May you receive the grace and strength to discover the person you are created to be
When you are met the with the beauty of this created world, with food and love and laughter, may it point you to the goodness of our Creator.
When you are met with the pain of this broken world, with fear and heartache and war, may it point you to our deep need for a Redeemer.
For the parents of our children:
May you know above all that you are loved
May you receive the grace and strength to release your children to become the people they were created to be
When you are met with the beauty of this world in your child, in their smile, in their talents, in their courage, may it point you to the goodness of our Creator.
When you are met with brokenness in your child, in their choices, in their failures, in their fears, may it point you to our need for a Redeemer.
For the people who stand around us:
May you know above all that you are loved
May you receive the grace and strength to call both children and parents to be the people they were created to be
When you show us the beauty of this world by your faithful presence, your wisdom, your encouragement, may you be blessed by the goodness of our Creator.
When you share with us the brokenness in yourself, in your heart, in your life, may we together find hope in our Redeemer.